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Teacher Education Reinvented
Supporting Excellence in Teacher Education

For May, NYU Steinhardt faculty identified three books and a podcast that discuss issues of white privilege and culturally responsive teaching.

Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad

This book and its separate workbook aim to lead readers on a journey to discover their white privilege. The workbook includes reflective questions to help people become more intentional about anti-racism actions and more aware of their biased behaviors.

Nice White Parents, Chana Jaffe

This podcast illustrates the ways privilege, specifically white privilege, manifests and endures in our school systems. It shows how a well-intentioned reform can still perpetuate inequity without thoughtful, diverse, and racially literate people around the table.

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, Zaretta Hammond

Hammond’s book makes the case for culturally responsive teaching using neuroscience. The book includes a framework to design and implement brain-compatible culturally responsive instruction – combining theory with practice to better serve today’s diverse classrooms.

Science in the City: Culturally Relevant STEM Education, Bryan Brown

Science education can be made more meaningful and students are able to reach mastery when instruction is culturally relevant. Brown makes the argument that in the multicultural society we live in today, teachers must understand how culture intersects with learning. The book has a focus on literacy that diverges from strict science education.