Dr. Richard Izquierdo Health & Science Charter School
At Dr. Richard Izquierdo Health and Science Charter School, we serve students in grades 6-12. Functioning as a separate middle school and high school, our students enjoy an academically rigorous and joyful experience at each grade level.
Student population
79% Hispanic
18% Black
1% Asian
1% White
1% Multiple/Other
School initiatives
- Diversify the healthcare system
- Students graduate with EMT certification
- Encourage scholars to become lifelong learners
The details
- 30-credit master of arts in teaching in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12)
- Meet online with NYU Steinhardt faculty and peers twice per week in the evening for your course work ~15 hours/week
- ~40 hours/week in classroom residency at partner location
- Stipend or wage from partner school
- Full-day cost details
As a teacher resident, you’ll teach and learn in your content area. You’ll work alongside another teacher and gain responsibility throughout the year. You also may be asked to substitute teach later in the year as well as support intervention work.
During residency year
Estimated Stipend
Health Insurance
Full benefits (medical, dental, vision, life, PTO, tuition reimbursement, professional development stipend, etc.)
Start Date
IN-PERSON: August 19, 2024
After residency year
Job After Graduation
Teacher (Full time)
Estimated Starting Salary with Master’s Degree
Master’s degree (uncertified): $74,000
Master’s degree (certified): $76,500
The figures above are estimates provided by our partners for informational and planning purposes only. NYU Steinhardt does not guarantee these amounts.