Family Life Academy Charter Schools

Located in the Bronx, NY, the Family Life Academy Charter Schools (FLACS) focus on serving the whole child. FLACS schools create the conditions for self empowerment for all its K-12 students to excel academically, take responsibility for their own learning, and affirm human values, today, in college, and beyond. FLACS students surpass state averages in academic achievement, are nurtured in a disciplined environment, develop good judgment, and are taught to be accountable for their actions.
For FLACS, a focus on affirming human values means that children and young adults are more than their academic achievement. The goal is to build students’ skills so they are fully informed citizens, well rounded in the arts, and healthy in mind and body. Teachers and administrators balance academics with social-emotional health and recognize the importance of providing students with opportunities for growth in both areas.
The charter schools were created by and for families in the neighborhood and are governed by people in the community. Everyone in the school adopts the mindset that the schools exist to serve the community. The families, students, teachers, and school leadership consider themselves family. This family orientation includes an inclusive, diverse environment that reflects the core values of scholarship, empathy, integrity, grit, and service. Prospective teachers must have the same drive to serve the community and desire to become part of the FLACS family.
The community setting is supported through a variety of priorities, including consistent and caring discipline policies. Schoolwide and classroom procedures value scholarly behavior and are taught to students and reinforced by all staff members. Additionally, all parents are informed and empowered participants in their children’s learning. These priorities affect shared school culture, traditions, and excellence. Teachers who become part of the FLACS family are supported to develop their craft and connect with the community.
Student population
74.1% Hispanic/Latinx
24.8% Black
1.1% Other groups
Charter initiatives
- Professional learning communities that enrich teaching. Professional development is customized to meet the needs of individual teachers and embedded into the authentic work of every day. Instructional coaches support individual teachers in improving their instructional practice, and common grade level planning periods occur weekly.
- Rigorous, data-driven curriculum. The FLACS curriculum is rigorous and challenges students’ innate and acquired intellectual curiosity. It is accompanied by clearly articulated and demanding student achievement standards aligned to the NYS Learning Standards. Data-driven planning is fueled by a rigorous system of assessment and accountability. Continual assessment occurs in all subject areas at all grade levels.
- Intentional approaches to the instruction of English language learners. FLACS specifically seeks to attract and retain English language learners. FLACS employs an English language immersion approach. All staff receive training in strategies for supporting English language learners within their individual classrooms.
Residency site locations
- Family Life Academy Middle School
The details
- 30-credit master of arts in teaching (MAT) program
- Meet online with NYU Steinhardt faculty and peers twice per week in the evening for your course work ~15 hours/week
- ~40 hours/week in classroom residency at partner location
- Tuition subsidy and stipend or wage from partner school
- Two-year commitment following residency required
- Full-day cost details
During residency year
Estimated Stipend
Health Insurance
Full medical, dental, and vision benefits
Start Date
August 2024
After residency year
Job After Graduation
Teacher (full time)
Estimated Starting Salary with Master’s Degree
The figures above are estimates provided by our partners for informational and planning purposes only. NYU Steinhardt does not guarantee these amounts.