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Center City Public Charter Schools students
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Center City Public Charter Schools

Located in Washington, DC, the Center City Public Charter Schools’ (Center City PCS) campuses are oriented around the local communities while building students’ global perspectives. Teachers focus on socially relevant curriculum that not only provides rigorous academics but builds the whole child as well.

Center City PCS’ mission is to empower students for lifelong success by building strong character, promoting academic excellence, and generating public service throughout Washington, DC.

These small community schools move students as a cohort from pre-K through Grade 8. The result is a familial environment where teachers, students, and families build deep and meaningful relationships. With the community model, students stay within their neighborhoods to attend school. Center City PCS campuses have some of the shortest distances that students travel from home to campus among all public schools in the District. Campuses have one grade per class and average a ratio of about 30 teachers per 250 students. This design, along with home visits, student-led conferences, and local service projects, empower schools to fully understand what students and families need to be successful.

At Center City PCS, supporting new teachers as they grow in their career is a top priority. For example, in most classes, you’ll have a bilingual instructor or special education teacher co-teaching right alongside you. Feedback on school culture is encouraged, and teachers often build initiatives from the ground up. The first Wednesday of each month is Wellness Wednesday, a district-wide half school day in which teachers have the opportunity to practice self-care. Teachers use this time to attend personal appointments and commitments.

With your commitment to instilling character, excellence, and service into our students, City Center PCS will support you on your journey as a profound educator for all students.

Charter initiatives

  • New teacher week: Center City PCS knows that new teachers need special supports. This may mean learning the ins and outs of small tasks like using a grade book or simply finding connections with new colleagues. As a group, teachers discuss any challenges and identify additional support that they may need from one another and the administration.
  • Project-based learning: This initiative began four years ago and is now integrated into the broader priorities and values of the schools. Project-based instruction relates to Center City PCS core themes of social justice, service, and community.
  • Rethinking the grading system: Teachers are learning to move away from one grade determining whether students have mastered a concept. Instead, students must complete multiple projects over time and have multiple opportunities to master a standard before a grade is assigned to them. Professional development days with teachers focus on using data and feedback to better identify where students may be struggling.

Residency site locations

  • Center City Brightwood Campus
  • Center City Congress Heights Campus

The details

  • There are two degree options available at this location:
    • 34-credit master of arts in teaching in Inclusive Childhood Education: a dual degree in Childhood Education, Grades 1-6, and Students With Disabilities, Pre-K-Grade 12 (all grades)
    • 30-credit master of arts in teaching in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12)
  • Meet online with NYU Steinhardt faculty and peers twice per week in the evening for your course work ~15 hours/week
  • ~40 hours/week in classroom residency at partner location
  • Tuition subsidy and stipend or wage from partner school
  • Two-year commitment following residency required
  • Full-day cost details

As a teacher resident, you’ll be a departmentalized classroom teacher. This means you’ll work alongside another teacher in your specific subject area and gain responsibility throughout the year. This immersive learning is designed to assist you with understanding your students and their learning process, setting you up to have a class of your own the following year.

During residency year

Estimated Stipend/Wage


Health Insurance

Full medical, dental, and vision benefits

Start Date

Early August

After residency year

Job After Graduation

Teacher (full time)

After successful completion of the program, you will have a job waiting for you as a teacher in a Center City PCS school. In exchange for providing a master’s subsidy and funding to offset your living expenses during your residency year, Center City PCS requires you to make a commitment to teach there for at least two years after earning your degree.

Estimated Starting Salary with Master’s Degree


The figures above are estimates provided by our partners for informational and planning purposes only. NYU Steinhardt does not guarantee these amounts.

Our Summer 2025 application is open. The deadline is April 7, 2025.

We know that the benefits of creating a more diverse teacher workforce are widespread; they are long-lasting, and they are life-changing.


We built this program from the ground up, and [the faculty] all agreed on starting with the ideas of building community and understanding identity.